Posted by : Jack Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yes. Imagine how long I obediently followed his medication. I believe in doctors. I have high regards to them. I see them as one of the elite people in the society. Untarnished, respectable individuals. BUT I never thought that perspective will change.

All my life, i see doctors as happy and helpful people. Most of the people specially children hates to go to clinics. "The doctor will hurt you", "The doctor is evil" - those are words that scares toddlers. And I know doctors do things to erase that prototype. Doctors are good. Approachable. NOT until i went to a respected doctor who changed my thinking. You might think, maybe he is a new doctor but no! He has been in the field for more than 2 decades and have traveled the world and has proven expertise.

So here, he has prescribed me a lot of creams and oral medication(first month). I religiously done everything told even if it pains me and demands extra time of my tight schedule. Then one time, from all the creams he has prescribed, one cream was used up. I went to the clinic to buy some. The clinic was full of people. I have no time to wait and I decided maybe some other time. So some days passed and I continue the prescription minus that one cream. I went there like almost every weekend just to try my luck . One time, after 2 HOURS of waiting I succeeded. (It takes hours of waiting in the clinic even if you would just buy medicine) I will post an entry about queues in the clinic.

I don't buy bulk. I dont have the money. I have a lot of basic expenses to deal with. So again, one cream was used up. I can't afford to go to the weekend anymore because my work is demanding too much time. I decided to go there on weekdays' lunch. One hour of waiting wont suffice. That one hour    will get me late and i have to sacrifice a good lunch and just settle for a biscuit or a buger (This happens so many times).

To make the story short a cream was "x"ed in the routine. I thought that for a time the cream was not applied, i feel no difference. This would save me money and time (specially in the morning where i have to apply everything before going to work). That's what i thought. I know it was wrong but I was just practical.

For One year! 2 hours of waiting in line for a check-up, or buy medicine. I endured this routine. But just like in any physical sport, endurance is fueled by how good and inspired you are. I lost my endurance during our final follow up check-up.


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